Mark Mzyk | November 29, 2007
Welcome to Programmer’s Paradox. It is what you see before you – yet another blog in the sea of blogs. Perhaps you will find it different from other blogs, perhaps not. All I can manage it is to provide you with my thoughts and hope they help you, or at least intrigue you, in some way.
The purpose of Programmer’s Paradox is twofold: to give me an outlet to express my ideas, and to force me to write. Why do I need to be forced to write? Because I’m a terrible procrastinator and even though I want to write, if I don’t force myself, it will never get done. I’m sure there’s a paradox in that last sentence somewhere.
As for expressing my ideas, as hinted at mostly by the title of this blog, my plans are to write about programming, computer science, and my journey as a young professional who has just entered the software world fresh out of school.
So to recap, this blog is about:
- Programming
- Computer Science
- Software Engineering
- Life
- Liberty
- And the Pursuit of Happiness
With a disclaimer that it’s my blog, and I’ll likely write about whatever I want. This is a chance for me to learn and to capture my learning in writing and share it with others.
Some quick background info on me:
- Name: Mark Mzyk
- Occupation: Software Programmer at a small company
- Age: Relatively Young, 24 (I’m sure that makes some of you feel old. Sorry, nothing I can do about my age, unless I could manage to travel close to the speed of light)
- Location: Raleigh, NC
- Degrees: B.S. in Computer Science, B.A. in English
- Alma Mater: NC State University
Hopefully that gives you enough information to have confidence in me. If not, maybe I’ll gain your trust along the way.
Thanks for coming along for the ride.