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Call for Lisp Stories

Mark Mzyk | December 19, 2007

The blog LispCast has issued a call for any stories you may have illustrating the power of Lisp: the relevant post is here.  I’m curious to hear any stories you may have as well.  Stories are always good, as they pass down experience, and I’m looking for all the experience I can get.  Why am I talking about Lisp?  My friend Kevin talked me into learning it.

But wait – didn’t I say I was learning Python as well?  Yeah, I did.  So I’ve got a lot on my plate at the moment.  I’ll learn both as quick as I can, but that might take a while.  I’m stretching Bob Martin’s advice of learning a new language every year – I’m going for two.  In 2008.  There isn’t enough time for me to pull it off in 2007.  And lets ignore the interest I have in Ruby at the moment.