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Seth’s New Ebook

Mark Mzyk | December 19, 2007

Seth Godin has a new free ebook out.  If you don’t read Seth’s blog, you should.  While it is topically about marketing and getting ahead in life, it is really about challening the status quo and forcing you to see a new perspective.  Excellent stuff.

That said, the new ebook isn’t anything great.  It is worth the price of free though (Ignore Seth’s plugs for his company).  It is a small reminder that in life there isn’t a short cut to everything.  In a grand total of thirteen pages, Seth points out at the way to have a great webpage that gets lots of hits is to:

  • Be Usefull
  • Be Unique
  • And Update Frequently

Yeah, so the secret is work hard.  You probably knew that, but a reminder never hurts.  The advice certainly applies to everything, not just blogs or webpages.  It applies to programming, certainly.  I’d add one point Seth left out, although he mentions it frequently on his blog:

  • Be Passionate

In my short experience I’ve already seen programmers loose out on jobs because they weren’t passionate.  I have no desire to be one of them.