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The Graphing Calculator Story

Mark Mzyk | February 28, 2008

Here’s an incredible story about how the Apple Graphing Calculator came about.

Interesting points to take away from it:

A lot can be accomplished when process is removed from the picture.  While some is needed, the less the better.  In fact, I would even use this to qualify what makes a good manager: they keep as much process and distractions away from programmers as possible.

Don’t live only for your job.  While it turned out well in this case, it seems to me both guys have since gone on to enjoy well fulfilled lives.  I think to be a good programmer you need to be a well rounded person.  When you’re well rounded, you bring new insights to the problem; insights gained from outside the coding environment.  You never know when that line from your child’s first grade play might suddenly inspire you to write the next great application.