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My Resume – 2009 Edition

Mark Mzyk | April 19, 2009

Earlier this year I posted various thoughts on updating my resume.  While it’s been a while in coming, I’ve finished the updating process.

Here is my updated resume for 2009 (as a PDF).

There are large changes over my resume from 2007.  There are even changes to what I had previous said I was going to use for the objective.

The objective I was originally going to use has been expanded and is now part of a summary.  The goal is to provide more information about me than what a short objective could accomplish and to give more of a feel for who I am.

For the experience section, I dropped the bullet points.  Instead I use the space to talk about highlights from each experience.  I tried to make judicious use of white space so that my resume wouldn’t suffocate the reviewer.

I’ve receive some feedback asking why I didn’t include a bulleted list of skills.  I feel that my skills should be evident when someone reads over the experience section of my resume.  If my skills aren’t evident from that, then I’ve failed in my job as a writer.   However, I do accept the argument that by not having a bulleted list I haven’t made that information as easily accessible as it might need to be.  How do you feel about this?  Should I have a bulleted list of my skills?

A resume should be the definition of a living document, one that is constantly updated.  It shouldn’t gather dust, like I allowed it to do in the past.  What do you think of my resume?  What makes it great?  What makes it terrible?  How would you answer what is perhaps the most important question: would you hire me?