(Free) Ebooks And Magazines
Mark Mzyk | July 26, 2009
I read. A lot. I’m currently in the middle of seven different books, ranging from the technical to self-improvement to fiction. I’ll finish each book in its own time, but part of the reason my progress has been slow is that other pieces of written information continually vie for my attention. I’ve come across a number of online magazines and ebooks that are of interest and I thought I’d collect the list here so that you could also look over them.
Free Online Magazines
A magazine recently started by The Pragmatic Programmers. It contains information on a variety of topics, from languages to job hunting.
A magazine about Ruby and Rails. Some of the topics are broad enough that even if you don’t use Ruby or Rails it might be worth your while to check it out.
Steve Vinoski writes a column for the IEEE Internet Computing Magazine that focuses on functional programming. He makes each of his columns available for free.
Non-free Magazines (but with free samples)
A magazine about JavaScript programming.
No Fluff Just Stuff, The Magazine
The title of this one really explains it all. It’s a magazine from the guys who bring us the No Fluff Just Stuff conferences.
Free Ebooks
How to Call Attention to Your Music
I’ve mentioned this one before, but it’s worth mentioning again. It’s by Derek Sivers, and while it might say it’s targeted at musicians, it’s awesome advice that everyone can use to advance their careers and end up where they want to be.
A great ebook showcasing all the hard work it takes to run a successful blog and how to make that blog then turn a profit. While the focus is on blogs, the advice applies to any endeavor you might undertake.
A technique that helps me get stuff done. If you’re perpetually distracted like me, then you need to read about the Pomodoro Technique. It involves a timer and discipline. It’s simple. Really simple. So simple you’ll be tempted to dismiss it. However, you really should think about giving it a try if you have a hard time making yourself concentrate on the task at hand.
The ebook from 37signals about how they get stuff done. Is it revolutionary? No, but sometimes you need someone to tell you the obvious.
That should be enough reading to keep you busy for awhile.