Mark Mzyk
I am a software engineering manager, living in Raleigh, North Carolina.
In addition to my writing on this blog I also run an email newsletter, Learning Better Management By Sharing, that delivers just my thoughts on software engineering management to your inbox. I’d be delighted if you subscribed.
If you don’t want yet another email newsletter, all newsletter content does eventually get posted to this blog. This blog has an RSS feed, if you prefer that.
I was a longtime organizer of the Triangle DevOps meetup, growing it from ten people in 2012 to a vibrant and large group when I handed it off in 2017.
I’m a graduate of North Carolina State University with a B.S. in Computer Science and a B.A. in English.
I can be reached at mmzyk at programmersparadox.com.
Copyright Info:
All rights reserved, 2007 – 2020 Mark Mzyk.
Any content not created by me is copyright its owner.
Standard Disclaimer:
I speak for myself on this blog and not my employer or anyone else. What I say here should be taken as my opinion and no one else’s.