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Cloud Computing’s Second Life

Mark Mzyk February 27, 2008

While still musing on the possibilities of cloud computing, I started to wonder about online games, such as Second Life and World of Warcraft. A large barrier to entry into the online game industry is the sheer cost of the servers. Cloud computing seems to alleviate that burden because the hardware becomes cheap and easily […]

In The Wild: A Google Of One

Mark Mzyk February 25, 2008

Earlier I wrote a post on how it is now possible for a single person to have the power of Google because of all the technologies available. Well, the NYTimes went out and implemented the idea before the ink was even dry on my post.  They’ve now proven it is possible, and their post makes […]

A Google of One

Mark Mzyk February 20, 2008

Yahoo has announced they are now using Hadoop, an open source implementation of MapReduce, for processing search data, and they’ve also announced impressive performance gains because of it. While investigating this story I also came across mention of IBM using Hadoop for it’s cloud computing initiative. I think these related stories point towards the future […]