Mark Mzyk July 26, 2009
I read. A lot. I’m currently in the middle of seven different books, ranging from the technical to self-improvement to fiction. I’ll finish each book in its own time, but part of the reason my progress has been slow is that other pieces of written information continually vie for my attention. I’ve come across a […]
Mark Mzyk June 3, 2008
I’d like to start out by apologizing for my last post. My previous post was below my standards. It was simply a quote with a small blurb that provided no worth while insight. I did nothing more than add to the echo chamber of the Internet and that isn’t what I’m trying to do. At […]
Mark Mzyk June 2, 2008
Amazon sells most Kindle books for $9.99 or less. Publishers say that they generally sell electronic books to Amazon for the same price as physical books, or about 45 percent to 50 percent of the cover price. For a hardcover best seller like Scott McClellan’s “What Happened,” the former press secretary’s account of his years […]