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Productivity: This I Believe

Mark Mzyk May 14, 2009

Where you work makes a huge difference in productivity.  This I believe. Distractions prevent work.  It’s simple flight-or-fight response.  If someone walks by you, or you hear a noise, at some level, you have to respond; there is always the chance you will eaten by a grue.  It’s human nature.  It has served us well […]

Measuring Individual Productivity

Mark Mzyk April 10, 2008

I wish I had more to add to Steve McConnell’s post Measuring Productivity of Individual Programmers, but I don’t. The short summary: don’t measure productivity of individual programmers.  Just don’t.  It’s a bad idea that returns you nothing. He says a follow up post on measuring the productivity of teams is coming (which is something […]