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The Key To World Domination: Good Writing

Mark Mzyk February 5, 2008

I’ve posted on MapReduce before, but I want to revisit the topic here.  Not MapReduce itself, but instead the white paper. I noticed the ease of reading the white paper. Kudos to the authors: Jeff Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat. Their writing was easy to comprehend. It wasn’t simplistic, but neither was it steeped in scientific […]

A Programmer’s Metaphor (Or How To Explain What You Do To Mom)

Mark Mzyk December 20, 2007

One of the most common metaphors used to describe programming is that it is like writing.  While this is a good metaphor, it is lacking at times, as others have pointed out.  So, while in the shower (when many great ideas can be had, because taking a shower isn’t a mentally taxing activity), I let […]